Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Car Ride with Nabi

For perhaps the first time since Grace was a baby, and certainly for the first time since Clara was born, I just experienced a TOTALLY peaceful, argument free, "when will we get there" free, whine free car ride both to and from Nashua (where I had to go to get my Macbook fixed which is another story) thanks to (drum roll, please...) the NABI!!!!!

Not only were the girls occupied, entertained, argument and whine free BUT they were eager to show each other the pictures they were taking, drawing, the games they were playing AND my hands down favorite part of the car ride (other than listening to the 80's station on Sirius radio) was listening to Grace read one of the MeeGenius books (3 little pigs I believe) to Clara and when she struggled with a few words (or perhaps was sick of reading herself) figured out how to have the story be read to them both all on her own.

Car rides aren't horrible typically, but after about 30 minutes the fidgeting, reaching across the minivan "aisle" to invade one another's space, "I'm hungry", followed by "I have to pee" followed by "this is boring" are all par for the course.

Today, we drove 45 minutes one way and 45 minutes back in total peace. I think the Nabi is singlehandedly improving both my sanity (on car trips at least) and my daughter's sibling relationship!

Not only can Nabi market themselves as a great educational/entertainment tablet for children but also as a sanity saver for mom's in minivans! (and dad's too but the alliteration worked best with mom's!)

Seriously, I loved seeing the girls problem solve and figure out how to navigate a new drawing app I'd added for them, save their work, play a few games and read books together. They had fun and the only whining I heard came when we arrived at our destination and I told them that they needed to leave the Nabi's in the car.

Tomorrow I'm headed on a day trip with the girls (their choice at the moment is Chuck E Cheese aka hell on earth & mine is Boston... we'll see who wins!)... One thing I know for sure... We will all have a happy, peaceful drive and Nabi is to be thanked wholeheartedly for that!

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