Someone call 911 because the words above were actually uttered by my daughters this morning!
Per usual Gracie and Clara were up before the sun; apparently they have farmer genes in them and I guess I ought to let my neighbors (who are planning to get chickens in the spring) know that I have 2 farm hands for hire and they are ready for work by 5 am at the latest each day! But I digress... The morning routine here most mornings goes something like this: the girls plead to watch a show and I stumble to find the remote hoping perhaps there is a leftover cup of coffee from the day before sitting on the bookshelf so that I can get caffeine in my system asap. This morning was no different.
This morning's "can we watch a show Mommy?" was followed immediately by a brief peace treaty negotiation lead by Gracie to determine who would get to sit on the end of the couch nearest the Christmas tree. Note: during the rest of the year NO ONE wants to sit at that end of the couch, but when the tree is there, it's hot property!
I turned the television on after making my typical "public service announcement" that this was the only show they were watching this morning... Everyone settled in, blankets in hand, happily watching whatever it is I found at 5 am (recollections of watching "Captain Bob Draws" at 5 am as a kid myself come over me now and then at these moments -- anyone else remember him drawing the "happy little trees" and "happy brooks" or am I aging myself?!).
I headed to the kitchen to make coffee and before I'd made it back to the living room Gracie was shouting to me and asking "can we turn off the tv so we can read on our Nabi's?" and Clara (who I think was actually content and still half asleep on the couch watching tv but who can't pass up a chance to chime in and copy her big sister) added "yeah, I want my iPad". I corrected her and said "your Nabi?" and she shook her head at herself and said "oh right, Nabi, my butterfly". At this point I thought perhaps I was still asleep and imagining things. When I realized I was awake I considered that perhaps I was hearing voices but they asked me again to turn the tv off and I tried to play off my surprise nonchalantly while inside I was screaming HIP HIP HOORAY!!!!!!!
So, off went the tv (didn't have to ask me twice!) and on went the Nabi's. Hello Kitty headphones (thank you TJ Maxx) went on and both girls tuned into Mee Genius without a second glance at the television. They listened to a few stories together, then went back to listening to their own individual ones and then independently opened their Drawing Pad app and drew pictures in peace for well over an hour.
To quote the Coffee Tawk lady on Saturday Night Live, I felt myself getting a little verklempt over all of this! (or maybe it was the lack of sleep and lack of caffeine catching up to me). In the past few days, Nabi has made it possible for me to have a peaceful car trip with my girls and now my kids (for whom tv is a rare commodity) are more interested in reading than television? Whoa!
I love the Nabi more everyday!
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